Monday, October 26, 2009

AlL aBoUt MeMe MoNdAy!!!!!

Today I am participating in All About Me Monday. YAY!!!!!!
Today's prompt is 10 things that terrify you!!!! I know I am a big fan of horror movies but many things terrify me!!!!
1. Bloody Mary- I am ABSOLUTLEY TERRIFIED of Bloody Mary, I first heard of her in 2nd grade and still afraid. I remember 1 time I did it and it didn't work, I got scared because I thought I saw her. Yikes!!!!
2. Ghosts- The one type of horror movie I can't watch is Supernatural Horror, Because ghosts are really scary!!!! Especially ones you can't see. All of you have heard of Paranormal Activity by now and you know it's about ghosts, right, Well just watching the preview made me open every door and turn every light on. Yikes!!!
3. Robbers- I'm even more scared of robbers than bloody mary. That's all I have to say to explain how much I hate them!!!!
BTW- I got this idea (and the days to come) from my MOM

Thanks For Reading!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. OHHHH.. your mom is 3 boys and a little... HOW FUN.. i LOVE HER.

    so bloody mary: here's my story.

    I peed my pants once when i was in 3rd grade because during bathroom break the EVIL GIRLS in my class would ban together ( without adult supervision) and DO BLOODY MARY.

    I was such a chicken, I held my pee. ALL DAY LONG.
    and one day.. it just didnt' work for me anymore..


    xoxoox supahmommy


I can't wait to read what you have to say.....